Grateful Guests of Herren Wellness

Support Others on Their Journey to Recovery

Grateful Guests of Herren Wellness image


raised towards $500,000 goal


Support Others on Their Journey to Recovery

Give the Gift of Recovery & Show Gratitude

Once you are a guest at Herren Wellness, you become part of the Herren family. Herren Project, Chris and Heather Herren's national nonprofit is part of this family. Herren Project was started in 2011 to give back the gift of recovery that Chris and Heather were given. Now 12 years later, that one gift has turned into walking with thousands of people on their journeys to recovery.

Herren Project provides free resources for the recovery and prevention of addiction. 100% privately funded through donations, the team at Herren Project provides assistance to individuals without resources in finding the best treatment options available and aftercare support to maintain sobriety. Herren Project also provides online family support groups and peer-to-peer school-based clubs, called Herren Project Clubs, aimed at "The First Day" of addiction and prevention of substance misuse in youth, in addition to other family and prevention resources.

Giving back and being in service to others is an essential piece of recovery. it spreads hope and builds connection. A tax-deductible gift of any amount will help pay it forward for thousands of people needing resources to start their journey to recovery. Donate today.

Other Ways to Give Back

If you are unable to donate personally, giving back through peer-to-peer fundraising is another way to give. Team Herren Project is a welcoming community of individuals who are committed to raising funds and awareness for addiction through sponsored athletic events like 5ks, marathons, triathlons, and Spartan Races.

Join Team Herren Project to give the gift of recovery by raising money for Herren Project's recovery and prevention programs, raising awareness of substance use disorder, and helping break the stigma of drug and alcohol addiction. Learn more about Team Herren Project events and get involved.

We are stronger together and together we recover.