Madiha Shafique Khattak

Madiha Shafique Khattak's Fundraiser

In memory of Rehan Shafique Khattak, we hope to support others to overcome the disease of addiction. image

In memory of Rehan Shafique Khattak, we hope to support others to overcome the disease of addiction.

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$1,000 towards $1,000

Dear World,

My name is Madiha Shafique Khattak (b.01-20-1984).

My baby-brother, Rehan Shafique Khattak, lost his life to drug addiction (d.10-02-2021).

Rehan loved basketball and that is an understatement as well to all those who knew his love for the NBA.

NBA star, Chris Herren’s life-threatening heroin overdose in 2008, found himself without money or resources to help him overcome his addiction and restart his life. He regained his sobriety through support groups and a treatment program, and he became a lifeline for others coping with their own addictions.

Chris Herren founded The Herren Project in 2011 to answer the desperate call for assistance in taking those first steps toward recovery and sobriety.

The organization’s goals are to:

  • Help addicts navigate the often confusing and overwhelming world of effective treatment through referrals and advocacy
  • Educate youth and at-risk populations about healthy living and drug prevention
  • Provide scholarships that give young people a head start toward healthy living and bright futures.

Join me in supporting real change!

Let’s support good in the world and make a difference.

Help us to support, inspire and empower those affected by substance-use disorder to heal and live healthier, fulfilling lives by donating to the HERREN PROJECT!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping meeting the goals for the HERREN PROJECT!


Very Sincerely,
Madiha Shafique Khattak