Rachel Brisson's Fundraiser
Together We Recover
This year's 2022 London Marathon in honor of those we have tragically lost and to directly benefit individuals, families and communities recover.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
On December 18th, 2016 I made the life changing decision to get sober. This decision would have undoubtedly been met with failure had it not been for an extraordinary community of people who loved and guided me to a new way of life. My pathway to continued sobriety was also in large part due to the treatment program that I completed. So many others do not have access to this kind of help.
This year I am running the 2022 London marathon to raise money and awareness for those suffering from alcoholism and substance use disorders. Join me in supporting real change through the HERREN PROJECT. Donations are 100% tax deductible and every dollar will go to those in need. Money will provide access to quality treatment, sober living and other resources for families affected.
Thank you for making a difference and celebrating the power that community, transparency, and wellness can have on the next person seeking sobriety. Together, recovery IS possible.
In loving memory of David Aaron Brisson and Daniel Andrew Brisson.