The Beta Eta Pledge Class's Fundraiser

Together, we can make a positive impact for those touched by addiction.
Join us and help make a difference, please give today.
Join us in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us for HERREN PROJECT
We, the Beta Eta Pledge Class, will be working to raise over $10,000 for The Herren Project. Their mission to support, inspire, and empower those affected by substance abuse disorder has motivated us to give us our all to this cause.
Not only are we passionate about this cause as a pledge class, but also as individuals. The impacts of drug use are universal; we have seen it happen firsthand. Out of the 17 of us, many of us have close friends and family who have or are still struggling with substance abuse and addiction. With this in mind, we feel strongly for this cause and would appreciate your support!