Teresa Cobleigh

Teresa Cobleigh's Fundraiser

We can help more individuals and families heal from the disease of addiction and prevention of substance use disorder image

We can help more individuals and families heal from the disease of addiction and prevention of substance use disorder

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$7,606 towards $5,000

Those of you who know my personal story know that addiction can rob us of our loved ones far before their time. None of us are immune from this fight, and those families who know the struggle know how important it is to not lose hope.

I joined Herren Project to help others, to dedicate my skills and gifts to higher principles, and to heal from the loss of a son by saving others like him. In helping others, I am able to find peace.

I am honored to represent Herren Project's good work in the fight against addiction, and I hope you will join me by supporting our funding drive. These are such unprecedented times, and never has the need for hope, support and community been stronger. Please help me help others -- we will save lives and bring hope to those in need of it. Please help HERREN PROJECT support, inspire and empower those affected by substance use disorder . And from my heart to yours, I thank you for any contribution you can make and for the love you show with your philanthropy. God Bless!