Michael Card's Fundraiser

In memory of Desiree M. Card, we hope to help others to overcome the disease of addiction.
Join the Card family and help save young lives from the evil of drugs.
We lost our only daughter, Desiree, from an evil that we could not comprehend until now. It hurts so bad that this happened to our family. It cheated her of her long life and dreams as she was only 23 years old. There needs to be more education for young teenagers and warning of what can happens if they turn to drugs as a solution to their stresses and depressions. They need to confide and always be honest with their parents and loved ones, so that we can take action to save them from the horrible tragedy that happened to my beautiful daughter. A big part of us died with Desiree and we loved her so much. Beloved father, Mike Card.
Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us To support, inspire and empower those affected by substance use disorder to heal and live healthier, fulfilling lives. for HERREN PROJECT
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for HERREN PROJECT