Stefan Barner's Fundraiser

Together we can support, inspire & empower more individuals and families heal from the disease of addiction and prevent of substance use disorder
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
October 25, 2010 was a day that changed my life. I did two things that day that seemed simple but had a profound and lasting impact. First, I put on an old pair of running shoes and slogged through one of the hardest miles of my life and second, I attended a meeting where I introduced myself by saying, “Hi. My name is Stefan and I’m an alcoholic.” Since that day nearly 10 years ago, while so many things in my life have changed, two things have continued: I’m still sober and I’m still running.
In 2020, I've made many plans to celebrate my decade of sobriety and one of them was to continue working with the amazing people at The Herren Project to help others get the resources they need to find a lasting sobriety. This organization and the community of support and love made up by a group of people who share a passion for running but most importantly a steadfast dedication to the mission of addiction relief has become my team and my family.
There’s a Somali proverb that says: “Be humble but hungry. Either be a mountain or lean on one.” Running has been a cornerstone of my recovery but I’ve also had the amazing support of my wife and family. I was fortunate to have these mountains to lean on for help when I needed it most. It's been my pleasure to be a member of THP Runs and be a mountain for others.
One of my favorite and most notable memories was not in training or on the race course but at a small coffee shop on the way home from the Falmouth Road Race. Rachele and I pulled off to get breakfast and stretch our legs. I was still wearing my THP gear and the woman behind the counter asked me about THP and my involvement. I told her about the race and the fundraising efforts of the team. She smiled and said “I thought that was you guys.” She went on to tell me she was recovering from addiction and The Herren Project had helped her find a Half Way House after she had finished in a rehabilitation program. “Thank you!” she said, “I’m seven months sober!” I was dumbfounded. I knew what I was doing was important but to meet someone who had been a direct beneficiary of the efforts of this team was truly amazing. I've carried that memory with me every mile since as a reminder of what I have and what the work we do does for others.
Please help me reach my fundraising goal of $1,000 by making a donation to THP. The money you give will support programs that will make a profound impact in the lives of those suffering from addiction, their families, and those at risk.
Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference for those affected by the disease of addiction. Help us to support, inspire and empower those affected by substance use disorder to heal and live healthier, fulfilling lives. Learn more about how HERREN PROJECT is making an impact with their free resources for the treatment, recovery and prevention of substance use disorder.
A donation of any amount will go a long way to helping me meet my goal and to help Herren Project meet their goal to empower more individuals, families and communities affected by addiction nationwide.