Katie Franzetti's Fundraiser

This is a WE program! And it is together in which We can support to heal and recover! Help bring health and healing to those affected by the disease of addiction!
As a sober woman in recovery, I am blessed to be available to those in need of help or just a little hope. Extending a hand out, where once I was in need of that hand to me!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
I am a sober woman in recovery. The life I have today is truly beyond my wildest dreams and sometimes beyond comprehension. I never thought 6 years ago that I would be an ounce of where I am today. And to have this feeling running through me that this is still only the beginning, and the journey continues on is amazing. I hope to take down the walls and the stigmas around addiction, and open up the conversation of recovery. Let us start to put a beautiful face of recovery to this story of addiction. And show how united the network of wellness and recovery really is! Never alone, always a part of and together we can change! Only love
Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference for those affected by the disease of addiction. Help us to support, inspire and empower those affected by substance use disorder to heal and live healthier, fulfilling lives. Learn more about how HERREN PROJECT is making an impact with their free resources for the treatment, recovery and prevention of substance use disorder.
A donation of any amount will go a long way to helping me meet my goal and to help Herren Project meet their goal to empower more individuals, families and communities affected by addiction nationwide.